As the earth ascends up into a higher frequency and humanity begins to feel the consequences, how can horses help us navigate this shift? 

Many believe the earth is currently experiencing a “collective dark night of the soul” or a re-birthing. Certainly the last few years have been full of change and challenges. Covid was a deeply emotional trigger for many of us, but it helped many of us understand ourselves in a deeper way as a result. Getting in touch with your emotions is one step towards accessing your higher consciousness. Congruence also helps us stay coherent and present. 

To prevent burn out, coherence is a key skill. Informed by the research of the HeartMath Institute, the practice of cardiac coherence and connecting with your heart has numerous, measurable positive affects on health, wellness and performance. Horses with their large hearts help participants master this skill by sharing their unique and powerful coherence fields. Through working with horses and mastering coherence, you connect and open your heart. An open heart is a vehicle to a fulfilled and purposeful life.

Presence unlocks mastery, connecting with our inner world allows us to affect the outer world. In our ultra-stimulating, fast paced world of digital connectivity and efficiency, maintaining peace and balance can be a challenge. The practice of presence is the key to harmony. Horses are masterful at being in a constant state of presence. Connecting with nature through spending time with animals and “earthing” helps us master the act of being present. 

Mindfulness through the way of the horse also helps us access our higher self. Your higher self will open you to your purpose; when you are following your path, joyfully fulfilled, you emanate high frequencies and shine your light for others, allowing you to connect with humanity as a whole and become more benevolent. 

Working with horses is often challenging. It can force you to let go of static beliefs or ideas and pushes you to expand through being vulnerable. Developing a tolerance to being vulnerable is another key skill that can help all of us navigate these difficult times. Once you are able to unlock any lack of self worth, poor self esteem and fear, you can perform and succeed easily. When you harness your creative energy, you bring your sovereignty and divinity to earth. This helps you bring your light through for everyone to benefit. Let horses light you up! 

Experiencing your power in tangible way with horses helps you to connect with it internally. Experiential learning has powerful, lasting effects, once you feel something internally you can access it again any time. Working in a group and watching others succeed also has a contagious effect and encourages you to believe in yourself. Energy mastery is a key skill for developing horsemanship and will also help you navigate earth changes. 

Get curious about why you are here. Let go of what you no longer need. Transmute the doubts and fears and allow your creational journey to begin! Join me and the herd on beautiful Salt Spring Island and elevate yourself through learning with horses. 

Photo credit to Jana: