I searched and searched for the right thing to do. I am very much governed by my sense of morality and justice; I must believe I am living and working ethically in order to feel happy and fulfilled. As the journey continued, it became less about what kind of career I wanted and more about what kind of life I wanted to live.
I enjoy creating a nurturing climate that facilitates growth and discovery. A stimulating environment is very important for me so I naturally try to create that for my clients. I am a positive problem solver who enjoys getting creative with others to assist them on their journey. I believe our purpose here is to grow in our capacity for unconditional love.
I believe horses can help us grow, they are reflections of us and they challenge us in the exact way we need it most. A strong sense of responsibility is another one of my traits, I believe we attract what we need to grow. If we are aware and connected, wiling to address our twists then we needn’t continuously experience pain; but we have to take responsibility for our own growth. Others can assist us with our healing but only you can truly heal yourself.
Emotions are the language of the soul. Feeling them authentically is the key to a harmonious existence. Horses also help us with this by offering themselves as confidants and friends, they are the ultimate therapists and I believe they heal us on levels we don’t consciously understand.
What would you do if you had no fear? What would your life look like if you didn’t tell yourself constantly, I can’t? Empowerment for me is about having confidence in yourself, believing in your self and growing into a well rounded leader. Again, the challenges horses present us encourage us to find this power, to embrace it and to use it in a non-predatory, compassionate way.
Join me on this journey of discovery and lets learn together what the horses can teach us!